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join to reconnect and get back in touch

Our alumni community

Even though you might have taken your career in a different direction, you hopefully look back on your time with delaware with fondness. We truly believe a delaware journey isn’t limited to the duration of ones labor agreement, but continues beyond the company walls. Over the course of 22 years we have created an ecosystem – a large group of like-minded people, that extends farther than we can probably imagine.  


What can you expect as a member?

That's why we are introducing the #friendsofdelaware network: a great opportunity for us to reconnect with former colleagues, rebuild relationships and rekindle the feelings of closeness and nostalgia they may still have for our organization. 

For now, our goal is to:

  • just reach out and inform you about life at delaware
  • invite you to upcoming events in the community, tailored to you

No strings attached. We're dreaming of expanding the #friendsofdelaware in the near future towards a community where we can offer specific perks, collaborate in knowledge sharing opportunities and spark innovation amongst each other. 

Do you still carry the delaware spirit with you, even though you no longer work with us?  Sign up for #friendsofdelaware by filling out the registration form below.  

And remember...

Once a #friendofdelaware, always a #friendofdelaware.